
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

4 Jenis Makanan Yang Menyebabkan Tulang Keropos

1. Garam

Salt shed calcium from the bones, and weaken it from time to time. For every 2300 mg of salt you consume, then the effect on the loss of about 40 mg of calcium. A study in post-menopausal women comparing eating foods rich in salt and what not, suggests women eat lots of salt on bone mineral loss more.

2. Minuman bersoda

Soft drinks are the most harmful to your bones. Sense of the drink carbonated soda often derived from phosphoric acid which can increase the excretion (expenditure) of calcium in the urine. Instead, choose juice or other drinks to relieve thirst so you avoid the risk of bone fragility.
3. Kafein

Effects of caffeine on bone just like salt, but the numbers are not for salt. Ie each consume 100 mg of caffeine (equal to a cup of coffee small to medium size), you lose 6 mg of calcium. It's not too big, but try not to consume too many caffeinated beverages.
4. Alkohol

Alcohol prevents the formation of bone mineral obtained from food. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can also interfere with the recovery process of bone and interfere with bone cells. So, not only the bones become weak, but if you suffer a fracture, it is difficult to recover.

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